IR35 Calculator

What is IR35 and why should recruiters care?

IR35 is a HMRC initiative which aims to put a stop to ‘disguised employees’ – i.e. “a worker that provides their services to a client through an intermediary but would be classed as an employee if they were contracted directly”.

From April 2021, it will become the responsibility of the employer (‘fee payer’) to decide whether IR35 applies or not. This switches the onus to be compliant from the contract worker to whoever is engaging them. By moving the responsibility for correctly applying IR35 to private sector employers, HMRC has also transferred any penalties for getting it wrong.

This means that employers could potentially face bills for unpaid tax and National Insurance contributions in the event that contractors are deemed to be, in effect, ‘disguised employees’ who shouldn’t be contracting at all.

As partners in the sourcing and engagement of contract staff, recruitment agencies need to ensure compliance to avoid potential fines and disturbances for themselves and their clients.

The Voyager team has been working hard behind the scenes to implement solutions to help recruitment agencies tackle the IR35 headache – right inside our market leading products: Mid-Office and Infinity.

Request a free demonstration now, or use our Markup Profit Estimator and check how IR35 will affect your agency.

How will IR35 financially impact your contract workers and agency? Use our bottom-line Profit Estimator to find out.

Simply enter a Pay Rate and Charge Rate below and see how the different IR35 status and worker types will affect your profit.

Please note that this calculator has been designed for illustrative purposes only and shows estimates based on the typical costs associated with different worker types. It is not exhaustive and independent advice is strongly recommended.


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IR35 Calculator