How to manage your temp workforce better

How to manage your temp workforce better

Developing a loyal, satisfied workforce is one of the key goals of every temp and interim placement agency – a deep roster of contented candidates in the right roles, supported by a first-class account management team ready to meet their every need.

Build this, and success will follow.

The secret to managing temp workforces effectively is a careful mix of people and technology, working together to deliver service levels competitors can’t touch.

Here’s how it’s done.


Voyager Infinity is the smart CRM for permanent, temporary and contract recruitment. Check out what our Temps Planner can do in the video below!


Drive engagement

With the recent boom in the gig economy (now accounting for more than 4.5 million British workers), temp and interim recruitment is no longer a game of simply being able to ‘find’ candidates for client vacancies.

The uptick in short-term work opportunities has put new pressure on agencies to focus on candidate engagement, using new techniques and technologies to deliver a premium service.

This means rethinking old engagement models and looking for opportunities to deliver communication and information via user-friendly digital channels that fit in with the tools and channels that candidates are already using in their daily lives.

In simple terms – out with clunky forms, cold calls and print-outs; in with mobile apps, SMS engagement and a digital-first candidate experience.


Create genuine relationships

Account management has long been praised as one of the unique ‘people skills’ that top recruitment consultants develop. And, without doubt, the soft skills and personality to thrive in a people-based industry are key to success.

But account management shouldn’t rely solely on consultant skills and personal abilities – intelligent tech systems enhance natural consultant skills by giving them the data and insight they need to provide a first-class solution.

This means integrated, automated tools that allow all recruiters to provide a more relevant, personalised service to candidates as well as clients, creating a foundation to build real relationships that add value and stand the test of time.

Build your referral funnel

Staffing is a people business, and people talk.

Providing a gold-plated service underpinned by best-in-class software helps agencies create a reputation that gets people chatting.

Every client and candidate has had a ‘bad experience’ at some stage with a temp firm, usually based on sub-par service where communication or information went wrong and caused issues. It’s rarely an incompetent recruiter who’s at fault – more often that not, it’s a creaky set of internal processes which makes it all too easy for things to fall through the cracks.

Investing in the tools to ensure that every consultant, every candidate and every client are part of a well-oiled machine isn’t just a way to protect current business – it’s also a vital building block in driving inbound referrals and recommendations.

Go above and beyond for your customers, and they’ll reward you for it.

Keep it human

Ultimately, leveraging technology should make the recruitment process more human, not less.


Because where smart software steps in to take manual tasks off consultants’ hands, it frees up time for recruitment teams to focus on spending more time getting to know their candidates and their needs.

Supported by reports, alerts, reminders and automated schedules, they can keep in touch more effectively and promptly.

With less time spent on internal admin and drudgery, there’s more time to spend on the human side of recruitment – understanding people, what they want, and helping them to make it happen.



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