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What a year it’s been for Recruiters!

Just look at these numbers – and remember, this is a disastrous year for so many in so many ways.

Growth is sure to return next year, are you prepared for growth?

Key findings in the recent REC report include:

  • The Recruitment industry’s direct contribution to the UK economy in 2019 was £42.3 billion.
  • The Recruitment industry accounts for 2.1% of the UK GVA and is worth more to the economy than many other sectors including the entire arts, entertainment and recreation sector, and the insurance and pension funding industry.
  • In 2019, Recruiters placed just over one million people into permanent roles
  • In 2019 there were around 985,000 temporary/contract workers on assignment every day.
  • There are a staggering 31,000 recruitment enterprises in the UK during 2019, employing a total of 119,000 people.
  • The impact of COVID-19 caused a significant drop in the number of placements by the industry and its contribution in 2020. We estimate:

– Recruiters made around 813,000 permanent placements, a drop of 19%
– There were around 692,000 temporary/contract workers on assignment each day, a fall of 30%
– The direct GVA of the industry fell by around 22%, compared to 2019.

Whilst you can’t do much about COVID-19, Brexit or the decisions your candidates and clients are going to make, you can take responsibility for the things that are within your control.

Let us help you get fighting fit and embrace all the opportunities 2021 holds for the Proactive Recruiter.

Source – Recruitment & Employment Confederation UK Recruitment Industry status report 19/20

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Paul Thompson is Sales and Marketing Director at Ikiru People. Having worked in recruitment and technology for over 25 years, Paul and his team have helped deliver solutions to recruiters that allow them to work faster, smarter and with less pain. Paul prides himself in offering the best service and advice during the sales process and is the driving force that has taken Ikiru People to its current position as a leading industry supplier, offering an extended range of support and consultancy services that help recruiting teams stay ahead of the competition. Paul lives with his wife and two children in Berkshire.

Voyager Infinity and Voyager Mid-Office are software solutions that make Recruiters’ lives easier. Voyager Infinity is a CRM used by thousands of recruiters globally to source, nurture and maintain the relationships with their clients and candidates, and Mid-Office manages the entire Pay and Bill process (IR35 ready).

What a year it’s been for Recruiters!